Transferee Tax Liability

05/01/2011 7:17 PM | Anonymous
On Friday, the House passed HB 907, which includes the FLTA's language excluding most real property transfers as triggering events for transferee liability.  Absent that exclusion, a title agent would be responsible for seeking a tax clearance certificate in almost every sale. 


  • 05/19/2011 1:45 PM | Anonymous
    While our language passed the house unanimously, it died in the Senate on the last day. Work has already begun with the Florida Bankers' Association and the Business Law Section of the Florida Bar on introducing the fix during the 2012 Legislative Session. In the mean time, look to your underwriter for guidance on this issue.
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  • 08/28/2011 12:12 PM | Anonymous
    At its August meeting, the RPPTL Section of the Florida joined us in support of HB 907's curative language and Rep. John Wood (R- Winter Haven) has introduced this bill for the 2012 legislative session.
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